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La partnership for early childhood investment

la partnership for early childhood investment

His work at the foundation focuses on building the coast-to-coast network of high-performing Educare schools while also providing guidance on efforts to improve state and federal policies affecting young children and their families. Grant Website:. Program Name:.

A Great Beginning Changes Everything

No matter your focus as a funder — higher education, economic empowerment, or criminal justice — investing in early childhood is the foundation for making a difference. Each foundation has its own theory of change, funding guidelines, and areas of childhoood. To make sure the lowest income children in Chi,dhood Angeles County succeed from birth, we act as a catalyst by working with leaders across multiple sectors who have the power to create change, at the scale it needs to happen. We educate private and public sector leaders and funders on the chjldhood of investing in la partnership for early childhood investment communities — in a space where stakeholders can freely exchange ideas and learn from each. Veteran radio journalist, Deepa Fernandes, has done major investigations and analyses on bilingual education, the plight of pregnant women in prison, and how the absence of free summer preschools in Los Angeles contributes to a reading gap for low-income students. We invest with an eye to social returns that .


la partnership for early childhood investment
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No matter your focus as a funder — higher education, economic empowerment, or criminal justice — investing in early childhood is the foundation for making a difference. Each foundation has its own theory of change, funding guidelines, and areas of support. To make sure the lowest income children in Los Angeles County succeed from birth, we act as a catalyst by working with leaders across multiple sectors who have the power to create change, at the scale it la partnership for early childhood investment to happen.

We educate private and public sector leaders and funders on the value of investing in high-need communities — in a space where stakeholders can freely exchange ideas and learn from each.

Veteran radio journalist, Deepa Fernandes, has done major investigations and analyses on bilingual education, the plight of pregnant women in prison, and how the absence of free summer preschools in Los Angeles contributes to a reading gap for low-income students.

We invest with an eye to social returns that. Rather than fund individual programs, we look for opportunities to blend, braid and align funding to achieve broad-scale change. In July Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation granting school districts greater decision-making authority over funding.

The LA Partnership knew it needed to act swiftly to make sure some of that funding went to quality early childhood education. Our efforts paid off. We lead through our influence, relationships and networks, using all our assets to support and advance comprehensive improvements to the systems that support children and their families.

When new and expectant parents receive home visits from perinatal nurses, births are healthier and babies are less likely to be abused and neglected. For every dollar la partnership for early childhood investment in effective home visitation programs, society reaps five times in return from children who grow up buoyed by good health and skilled parenting.

Yet in LA County, demand for quality home visiting programs far outpaces supply. A Great Beginning Changes Everything No matter your focus as a funder — higher education, economic empowerment, or criminal justice — investing in early childhood is the foundation for making a difference. When we invest in the health, education and development of children in low income communities from birth to age five, we reap the biggest returns in preventing problems later in life. Early Childhood Hits the Airwaves When an issue makes the news, people — including decision-makers — pay attention.

WE LEAD We lead through our influence, relationships and networks, using all our assets to support and advance comprehensive improvements to the systems that support children and their families. Help for New Parents and Their Babies When new and expectant parents receive home visits from perinatal nurses, births are healthier and babies are less likely to be abused and neglected.

Invest in Kids: Nurse-Family Partnership

Additional Resources

La partnership for early childhood investment Great Beginning Changes Everything No matter your focus as nivestment funder — higher education, economic empowerment, or criminal justice — investing in early childhood is the foundation for making a difference. To make sure the lowest income children in Los Angeles County succeed from birth, we act as a catalyst by working with leaders across multiple sectors who have the power to create change, at the scale it needs to happen. His work at the foundation focuses on building the coast-to-coast network of high-performing Educare schools while also providing guidance on efforts to improve state and federal policies affecting young children and their families. Maria looks forward to serving the children and families of the area when opening the Educare Los Angeles at Long Beach. All Rights Reserved. Monday, April 29, am — pm PDT. Help for New Parents and Their Babies When new and expectant parents receive home visits from perinatal nurses, births are healthier and babies are less likely to be abused and neglected. Create new account Request new password. For those who have not seen the Educare facility, we strongly recommend coming for the tour — you will not be disappointed. We will provide lunch. The LA Partnership knew it needed to act swiftly to make sure some of that funding went to quality early childhood education. Join us to explore existing models how we can create a seamless fir care and education system that works better for our dhildhood, families and educators. Steinhauser, superintendent childhooc the highly diverse Long Beach UniFied School District, has earned national ealy international recognition for improving student achievement and closing achievement gaps. Skip to main content. Yet in LA County, demand for quality home visiting programs far partnershi supply. Map Register.


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