Rising global demand for commodities was reflected in the steep increase in natural resource-related FDI, although the services sector continued to be the major recipient of FDI. Press Releases 16 Oct -. A major contributing factor to this strong growth was the marked increase in the inflows to developed countries. A substantial Statistical Annex is also included, with data on FDI flows and stock for more than economies. The new links these TNCs are forging with the rest of the world will have far-reaching repercussions in shaping the global economic landscape of the coming decades.
Direct Foreign Investments into the India Economy
The new edition of the UN Conference on Trade and Development’s annual World Investment Report focuses on new sources of foreign direct investment: transnational corporations TNCs from developing countries. Released on 16 October, the study indicates that FDI continued to increase for the second consecutive year, with inflows reaching USD billion in — a unctad world investment report 2006 percent increase over the year repport. However, FDI in the manufacturing and services sectors dorld relative to investment in primary commodities, particularly mining. Much of this ynctad was driven by increased investment in developed countries. Notably, patterns of investment are shifting. While FDI flows used to occur between developed countries only, or from developed countries to developing ones, transnational companies TNCs from developing countries are now investing in developed and developing countries as. These firms emerging from developing countries are becoming powerful regional, even global, players.
Investment Policy Hub
In a modern economic science one of the most vital topics is studying the experience of the BRIC Brazil, Russia, India , China countries, as most relatives on a stage and type of development, economic potential, capacity of the consumer market and other factors. Numerous researches of both Russian and foreign authors are dedicated to experience of China and Russia. The author of this article has carried out deep analysis of problems concerning attraction of foreign investments into economy of India and also concrete results of investment policy of the country are resulted. Further the author proves a choice of a direction of the research. It is stressed in the article the factors promoting and interfering inflow of foreign direct investments to India , mechanisms of inflow of the foreign capital in the country, also highlighted the basic achievements of the Indian government on realization of investment policy; data of official statistic sources are revealed.
UNCTAD Unveils 2006 World Investment Report
Toggle navigation. Investment flows to transition economies continued to slide in Chapter IV. Introduction and Chapter III. Investment flows to and from the region are expected to hold steady inas commodity prices and economic conditions in major ivestment stabilize. World Investment Report. Contraction largely caused by US multinationals repatriating earnings from abroad.
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